Saturday 23 August 2008

The Kinder Egg... Signals the Downfall of Humanity?

Some of you may not be very familiar with the Kinder Egg. Translating from German to mean Kid egg (think kindergarden;) this is a popular treat for kids. My siblings and I first had it when we were in Austria (right before coming to America in 1990). Ever since then, it's always been a special treat brought from Europe. The egg used to be wrapped in foil and was a chocolate shell with a little yellow capsule-like container for the toy which may have had many different parts so you could build a car or a frog or a trash can that picks up "trash" when you set it on top of the "trash" (yes, weird, it was one I had from Germany a while ago and we couldn't figure what it was for). If you've had it before, you know it's better than a chocolate treat because theres a toy!

However... things have changed! The egg is now wrapped in a plastic coating that you pull apart to show two separated halves. One with a little spoon attached to it and a toy inside and another with chocolate-y goodness inside. The toy is very simple and has gone from cute and quaint (and just plain silly in some of the German cases) to media-full. It's been taken over by advertising! The Simpsons are inside my Kinder egg! Go away Simpsons! I just want my plain old quirky German toy! Stop eating my brains out with your advertising!

But... the reason for the separation inside the egg... to protect those kids that would just take a bite of the whole egg, giant yellow capsule and all? Eric, another UC student on EAP here, had a great image of it while we all chatted during our lunch at the piazza: some kid bites into the egg, sues Kinder and Kinder makes a new "idiot-proof" egg... or so they thought (evidence to the contrary: bottom right corner of the above picture). Anyway, whatever happened to survival of the fittest and the smartest? If you can't figure out that a Kinder egg has a toy inside, maybe you shouldn't be eating them...?

Anyway, anyone know a good lawyer? I seem to have gotten some plastic bits in my chocolate-y half and in my tummy...
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Anonymous said...

Really???? They've changed it? HOW SAD!!! That's way overly exaggerated nonsense - plastic spoon and all??? What do you need a spoon for! Gee!

Yuriy said...

very nice picture collage